Monday 16 September 2013

Hair care tips & tricks!

Hey Everyone!
I always want my hair to be shinier, smoother, longer & better! So I've been experimenting with many different ideas for a while now and my hair is in the best condition it's ever been in! ( still not grown enough though! ) So I thought I would share them with you all. :) ( I am in no way a hairdresser or hair stylist these are just my views and suggestions).

Shampooing & Conditioning:
There are so many different shampoos and conditioners on the market claiming to do amazing things for your hair. I think all you need to wash and condition your hair are:

A simple sulphate free shampoo 
(I like The Body Shop's Rainforest Radiance for Coloured hair.)
A protein treatment 
( I recommend Bed Head's Dumb Blonde Reconstructor or Lee Stafford's Hair growth treatment.)
A hair mask or thick conditioner
( Herbal Essences Hello hydration mask is good. )
A simple every day conditioner
( My favourites are Lush's American Cream and Percy and Reed colour and shine conditioner. )

I wash my hair every other day with the sulphate free shampoo. Then once a week I use the protein treatment or if not the hair mask, making sure I squeeze most of the moisture out my hair first. Then I always follow up with a light condition, my last hairdresser always said to me if you have dry hair to use a heavy conditioner then seal it in with a lighter one. If you have dry or damaged hair it works amazingly so try out that little tip!

I only really use a hair oil, shine spray, a heat protectant and occasionally mousse.
Use hair oil when hair is damp to seal your ends to stop them splitting. Most have silicones in it so just make sure you wash your hair well ( use a clarifying shampoo occassionally)

Try to find a shine spray without alcohol as alcohol really dehydrates the hair. I really like the Inceto one from Superdrug and it is only around £4!

Hair Extension Advice:
If you wear clip in hair extensions ( I am pretty much the queen I've been wearing them 5 years and I've tried nearly every brand, none I like enough to recommend though ): ) Try to only wash them when they are extremely dirty if not don't wash them at all! They will not get greasy or smell because they are dead hair and are not connected to a root. It sounds disgusting but your hair extensions will last SO much longer! ( trust me it works! ) Also try not to use much heat on them, and always spray them with heat spray if you do. Make sure to use the alcohol free shine spray on them too, hair oils work great too I love the Argan Secrets Argan oil which is around £15 but works like a dream! and your extensions will look amazing for ages!

Other tips:
Taking folic acid can help with hair growth and make hair stronger and healthier, it will take a while for it to work though.

Apply protein treatment to the roots and ends but any other conditioner just on the ends.

Massage your scalp when shampooing and applying the protein treatment as this also helps promote hair growth.

DON'T use protein treatments more than once or twice a week or you will get protein build up which basically makes your hair feel stiff and dirty ( trust me I've had it! ).

And there's all the boring tips you get told again and again:
Healthy diet.
Drink loads of water.
Get your hair trimmed every 6 weeks. ( However if you're trying to grow it I'd leave it a few months then just get the split ends cut off. )

Hope you enjoyed that,
Thanks for reading! x

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